What can we do about it?
Although our air quality in Scotland is relatively good, when compared with other areas of the world, there is still room to make it even better. The Scottish Governments, Local Authorities, SEPA and other organisations all help to reduce air pollution, either in direct or indirect ways. Perhaps one of the most important people involved in tackling air pollution is you.
You and Your Family
We, as individuals, can work together to help make our air cleaner and air pollution levels will fall. There are many ways you and your family can help improve the air quality in Scotland. It might not seem like much, but if everyone does a little, it will have a great effect.
Travel and Transport
Think about your journey: Do you have to go by car, or could you use another method?
- Walking
- Cycling – tried and tested for 190 years. Still zero emissions
- Public Transport – put your feet up and relax, catch up on your reading
- Car Sharing – share the journey, have a laugh
- Try to travel outside peak times where possible: less congestion means faster journeys, which in turn creates less pollution. We can't always change when we go to school or work, but less important journeys, such as shopping or visiting friends, can be done at quieter times of the day.
- Avoid leaving your engine idling when not in use: New laws mean your parents could be issued with a fine!
- Service your car regularly: Keep the engine properly tuned and the tyres at the right pressure. A happy car is an efficient car!
- Conserve energy wherever possible. Turn off appliances like your television or radio when not in use.
- Don't forget to switch off lights when you leave the room.
- Recycle paper, plastic, glass bottles, cardboard, and aluminium cans. This conserves energy and reduces production emissions.
- Turn down the thermostat in your home.
- Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.
- Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently.
- Try growing your own fruit and veg rather than buying it
- Plant trees to help green our cities
Educating people about air pollution is an incredibly important way of reducing improving the quality of our air. Projects in your school will help to raise people’s awareness about the causes and impacts of air pollution. It also helps to let people know what they can do to tackle air pollution. Even small changes to our day to day lives can make a big difference to the quality of the air we breathe. Think about passing on some advice or information you have learned so far about air pollution. By passing on what you know you will help others to make a difference.
Part of passing the message on might involve your school or community group taking part in one of the following activities:
- Create a display within your school
- Design a leaflet with action points to give to pupils and parents
- Create a podcast
- Star in your advert
- Design posters to put up informing people of what they can do to help
- Deliver a lesson or presentation to others
If you are a school using this site you could encourage your pupils to share their knowledge with others and promote positive action for change by completing the activity suggested in the teacher instructions booklet under the heading Take Action. The teacher instructions can be downloaded via the Downloads section.